Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's been a while...

Just wanted to post this piece because today Uncle Steve and I finished leading a group of men and women through Andy Stanley's study "Life Rules". It was a deep, simple and helpful study on restoring or living with broken relationships. We highly recommend it and were really blessed by this! This study was based on the truth that our relationship with others is directly proportionate with our relationship with the Lord. He covered the topics of Forgiveness (we forgive because we are forgiven), acceptance (accepting someone before they become acceptable), service (if you continue to only serve yourself, you will end up all by yourself), encourage (definition: appeal, beg, urge, exhort), submit (when He was on earth, Jesus never pulled rank).

This year I have been introduced to this teacher through the book we have read, and through this class. Now Hans suggested to STeve and I that we check out some podcasts! I have had new and broadened views of Jesus through these things!

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