Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapters 4-5

I hope everyone who wrote and read about chapters 1-3 enjoyed the blogging experience.  I've heard through the back-channels that a few other contributors might be posting soon, but I won't mention any names (Brad, Cranney).

So let's move on to the next couple chapters.  Remember, you can always go back and read previous posts.  You can also go back and comment on other posts.  If this happens more and more I can set it up where we get notifications when someone comments on an older post that may have gotten "buried."  You can also feel free to "subscribe to follow-up comments" when you comment on someone's post - look at the very bottom.

So as we start the week where my Robertson Family Fantasy Football team had a 50-point destruction of Justin Olson's "team", let's look ahead to the next chapters of the book.  In the next two weeks let's plan on reading chapters 4-5.  Feel free to post whenever you have time.  If you start writing and can't finish, you can "save draft" and then come back and finish posting later.

Have a great couple weeks.  By the way:  Justin's team had a big loss on Sunday, but the family was still a winner -- Kelly finished the Chicago Marathon!!  Great job Kel.

-- Hans

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