I think the thing that I like the most about the Principle of the Path is its simplicity. Actual direction - not intentions - determines our destination. From an intellectual standpoint thats a pretty easy concept to understand. From a personal reflection standpoint it's also a pretty easy concept to apply to our own situations. So why is it that it is still so hard to admit that we are lost and on the wrong path sometimes where are direction and intentions are not aligned?
I think Andy sums it up perfectly when he talks about the powerful, emotional appeal of the wrong path. As humans not one of us is perfect and so we make flawed decisions, and when we make them we are convinced they are the right one's. I think the biggest lesson that I am taking from the first three chapters is the need to take time to be with God and to ask him to show me the situations where my direction and intention are not aligned. I truly believe that in asking God to show us, he will.
The question then becomes, am I willing to stop. Turn around, and follow the right path, even when it's hard? My prayer for us as a family is that we would be willing, and to encourage each other when being on the right path is hard.
Matt...thanks for your comments, I will pray too for our family to be encouraging each other along the path of Godly principles. And that we will take that time to ask Him and seek His way, important point!
Matt, you're right in that it takes spending time with God to be certain of direction and intentions. That could be a chapter of its own.
I also like your prayer for the family and thoughts of encouraging each other "when being on the right path is hard."
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