Monday, August 31, 2009

User Guide 1.0

Anyone can learn how to blog. A blog is a "web-log" - a website that contains thoughts and ideas which are logged in chronological order. So here's how it works:

"Blog Post #1" is posted. Anyone can read the post and decide if they want to comment on that post. It creates an online discussion. Based on this post, Comments #1,2,3, etc. get posted underneath Blog Post #1. This “conversation” can go back and forth for as long as people wish to comment and discuss “Blog Post #1.” Then...

"Blog Post #2" is posted. This is a new idea. Again, anyone can comment on this Post #2 or go back and comment on Post #1.

Eventually the blog consists of Blog Posts and Comments, original ideas and reactions and discussion to those ideas. Since we probably won't be reading the book at the same pace, it would be good to include the chapter number with your blog post's title so months down the road we know where the idea came from in the book:

Title: Choices vs. Direction (Chapter 1)

If anyone would like further explanations, please email me.

Remember, the posts are in reverse chronological order - the latest post will be on top, older stuff at the bottom.

Blogging is a fun way to stay connected with people and events. This blog will create an informal forum for us to discuss the book of the year.

Lastly, for you to be able to post, you'll have to email Aunt Sue to be listed as an author. Happy reading and writing.

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